How to Send and Receive Non-Custodial Zap and Self-Hosted NIP-05 in Mobile Phone (Without PC, Zero Additional Cost)
How to Send and Receive Non-Custodial Zap and Self-Hosted NIP-05 in Mobile Phone (Without PC, Zero Additional Cost)
This tutorial aims to help Nostr users who have limited resources to setup their non-custodial wallet and receive zaps directly to their mobile phone with zero or little additional cost.
24 minutes read • March 23, 2023


This tutorial might be in a better view on mobile browser due to some images resolution. You can read this article (NIP-23) on Flycat (Best View) or Habla News or via 


Recently, since the introduction of Zap (NIP-57), the concept of value4value has been promoted quite often and was proven partially by high engagement in quality or interesting content.  

Interesting Content Example - Meme 

Source: Nostr Meme Competition 1st Winner Announcement by StackSats and Ser Sleepy 

Users can publish various topic and receive sats to their lightning wallet by using lightning address. While most users seem to pick the easiest way by using custodial wallet or services (Wallet of Satoshi, Telegram bot, etc), there are still option to setup a non custodial wallet. 

Zap Statistics
Source: Zap Analysis in Nostr by benthecarman 

But, some people might still wonder or argue,

Can i receive lightning tip or zap to my own wallet without having any server or PC? 

I don't even have domains to setup my own lightning address 

There are no tutorial (yet) to do that 

The answer to those question is yes. We can manage it directly on our mobile phone even if we don't have our own server and domains

Example Demo
Source: Zap Experiment Demo by lurkingcat 

This tutorial aims to help Nostr users who have limited resources to setup their non-custodial wallet and receive zaps directly to their mobile phone with zero or little additional cost. 

Be sovereign. Be your own bank. 




This section only needed to be run once until all the setup is fully completed. If you have already completed this setup then you can skip to Running Apps section. Please, read this guide thoughtfully steps by steps thus it will make easier to solve any problem during installation. 

F-Droid Setup

If you don't have any F-Droid client installed on your Android phone then you can install F-Droid Official Client or Neo Store (F-Droid Alternative Client). Personally, i have installed both of them but often to use Neo Store because of its nice user interface compared to official F-Droid client. Feel free to choose your favorite F-Droid client. 

Termux Setup

Termux is an Android terminal application and Linux environment. We can download Termux from F-Droid Repository (Recommended) or from their Github.  

We can search and download it easily using F-Droid Official Client or Neo Store (F-Droid Alternative Client). If you want to learn more about Termux then you can check their Wiki page

We also need to install Termux API Plugin. This plugin will expose basic Android functionality as linux command. 

Additional Recommended Software:

After we have installed Termux, we need to make sure Termux and its plugin get the required permission to run in the background properly. We don't want Termux get killed automatically by Android OS. Some vendor (Samsung, Xiaomi, etc) even have more strict battery saving mode which often kill apps in the background. We need to set Termux and its plugin as the exception. 

We can press and hold Termux App icon and it will show popup "App Info" and we will click it > Battery Saver Permission > Change Battery Saver mode into "No Restriction". This menu can be varied on every different Android device. There is a basic guideline here to adjust it based on your device. 

Battery Saving Settings 

After adjusting Battery Saver permission, we can open Termux. It will open a new blank terminal session on the first time. 

Blank Terminal 

We will enable android storage permission using this command (Feel free to copy and paste the command):

# mount android storage for easy access on termux
# it will be mounted on $HOME/storage

Install all required dependency using the following commands (Run every command **line-by-line** to make it easy for checking any error):

update termux package

pkg upgrade -y 

install basic dependency software

pkg install termux-services build-essential git golang lnd tor torsocks 

install basic helper tool

pkg install tmux nano micro curl wget 

enable tor service in termux

sv-enable tor

We will also use Proot Distro to make environment for this tutorial. [PRoot Distro]( is a Bash script wrapper for utility [proot]( for easy management of chroot-based Linux distribution installations. It does not require root or any special ROM, kernel, etc.  

Install and setup proot-distro:

install proot-distro

pkg install proot proot-distro 

download and install chroot linux distribution

install ubuntu distribution and give its alias as ubuntu-nostr (name is optional can be changed)

proot-distro install --override-alias ubuntu-nostr ubuntu

![Proot Distro Installation](  

We will login into proot environment:

login as root to chroot environment and bind $HOME directory as /termux_home for easy access

proot-distro login ubuntu-nostr --user root --bind $HOME:/termux_home

Now after we login into proot environment, we need to update and setup using following commands:

update apt repository

apt update -y 

upgrade chroot system

apt upgrade -y 

install sudo

apt install sudo

We have already finished setup Termux for the first time. **Don't close** current termux session because we will continue using it for the next step. The next step is about how to configure and start lnd using termux.  

### LND Setup  

Using the same termux session, we will start with creating LND data directory to setup our configuration.  

create lnd directory

mkdir -p ~/.lnd 

make or edit lnd configuration using nano editor

nano -m ~/.lnd/lnd.conf

This is configuration of LND for this tutorial. This configuration was adjusted and optimized (using [Neutrino mode]( for mobile phone/node similar to what [Blixt]( or [Breez]( wallet have done. We can copy configuration below to **lnd.conf** file. Make sure to copy from the first line to the last line of configuration. The explanation of each syntax/line was covered in LND [sample-lnd.conf](  

[Application Options] alias= listen=localhost nat=false rpclisten=localhost:10009 restlisten=localhost:8080 debuglevel=info maxpendingchannels=5 feeurl= gc-canceled-invoices-on-startup=1 gc-canceled-invoices-on-the-fly=1 sync-freelist=1 #wallet-unlock-password-file=/root/.lnd/p.txt 

[protocol] protocol.wumbo-channels=true protocol.option-scid-alias=true 

[Bitcoin] bitcoin.mainnet=1 bitcoin.node=neutrino 

[neutrino] #neutrino.connect=YOURBITCOINNODE.onion:8333 neutrino.maxpeers=5 neutrino.persistfilters=true neutrino.broadcasttimeout=11s 

[tor] tor.v3=true tor.streamisolation=true tor.socks=9050 tor.skip-proxy-for-clearnet-targets=false 




[Routing] routing.assumechanvalid=1 routing.strictgraphpruning=false 

To exit nano, press `Ctrl+x` and type `y` to save.  

We will use **tmux** in the next following steps. Tmux will be used because we can have **multiple terminal window** in one terminal session. It's like having multiple 'tabs' in web browser.   

To start tmux for the first time, we can type the command:  


To detach or 'minimize' current tmux session, we can press the combination of key:


If we want to open or resume those last detached tmux session again, we can type the command:

tmux a

If you need extra guidance about tmux then you can check this [Tmux Cheatsheet](  

![Tmux 1st tab](  

Back to main topic, in the current tmux session, we can start lnd using this command:


By default LND will look into `$HOME/.lnd` directory for LND data and configurations. LND will start downloading initial Neutrino headers block data.  

![LND Download](  

It will take around 5-10 minutes or maybe less to download initial data with size around 159 MB.  

![LND Data Size](  

While LND starting to download initial data, we can open new 'tab' simultaneously on tmux by pressing the combination key of `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **second 'tab'** shown by number `[1]` below  

![Tmux 2nd tab](  

We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+0` or `Ctrl+b+1` or any number based on the tab number.  

In this second tab, we will create new wallet for LND using command:

lncli create

Set the wallet encryption password, in this tutorial we will set it by `123456789` as the example. Make sure you set your own **better and secure** password. After typing the password we will have confirmation prompt like below. We will create new empty wallet by choosing 'n' option.  

![Wallet confirmation](  

If we have already another existing [Aezeed Mnemonic Seed]( then we can choose 'y'. But remember that Aezeed Seed is different from [BIP39 Seed]( This tutorial **assumes** that we will **create new fresh wallet**.  

Next confirmation prompt will ask whether we want to add passphrase to the seed. We will skip that for simplicity by pressing `enter` in keyboard.  

![Passphrase confirmation](  

Make sure to note 24 seed words in a secure manner.  

![24 seed words](  

The next time we run `lnd`, we just need to unlock the wallet to make it fully initialized by executing the command:

lncli unlock

Optionally, after unlocking the wallet we can also check LND status using command:

lncli getinfo

It will give basic json information like this:

{ "version": "0.15.5-beta.rc1 commit=v0.15.5-beta.rc1", "commit_hash": "", "identity_pubkey": "your pubkey", "alias": "nodealias", "color": "", "num_pending_channels": 0, "num_active_channels": 0, "num_inactive_channels": 0, "num_peers": 3, "block_height": 781371, "block_hash": "00000000000000000002d8610c6ec71be4e42386193327b7ce1adfb47f6d12f0", "best_header_timestamp": "1679151331", "synced_to_chain": true, "synced_to_graph": true, ... } 

When `synced_to_chain=true` and `synced_to_graph=true`, it means that our node has already synced to "latest block using neutrino data" and synced to "latest LN gossip info" thus it can be used properly.  

The next step is how to configure Thunderhub software to manage our node easily.  

### Thunderhub Setup  

We will open new 'tab' again on tmux by pressing the combination key `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **third 'tab'** shown by number `[2]` below  

![Tmux 3rd tab](  

We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+2` or any number based on the tab number.  

We start the installation of nodejs as main dependency via Nodesource repository.  

Setup Nodesource repository:

curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -

Install nodejs:

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

The following commands are based on [Thunderhub official guide]( We will clone thunderhub github repository and configure it using following commands:

make sure we start from home directory

cd $HOME 

clone thunderhub repository

git clone 

change active directory to $HOME/thunderhub

cd $HOME/thunderhub

We can define some environment variables that ThunderHub can start with. To do this create a `.env.local` file in `$HOME/thunderhub` directory using this command:  

nano -m $HOME/thunderhub/.env.local

and fill the file with the following parameters:

PORT=3000 TOR_PROXY_SERVER=socks:// ACCOUNT_CONFIG_PATH='/root/thunderhub/thubConfig.yaml'

To exit nano, press `Ctrl+x` and type `y` to save.  

We will create `thubConfig.yaml `file based on previous `.env.local` file using command:

nano -m $HOME/thunderhub/thubConfig.yaml

with the following parameters:

masterPassword: '123456789' # Default password unless defined in account, change it to secure password defaultNetwork: 'mainnet' # Default network unless defined in account accounts:

  • name: 'Account1' serverUrl: 'localhost:10009' #LND RPC server

    network: Leave without network and it will use the default network

    lndDir: '/root/.lnd' 

To exit nano, press `Ctrl+x` and type `y` to save.  

After completing the configuration file, we will install all the necessary modules:

npm install

and build the app using the following command:

npm run build

![Image of success build](  

It will take several minutes (5-10 minutes) to build the app. After succesfully building the app we can run it using the command:

npm start

![npm start](  

If there are no error like shown in the image above, then we can access thunderhub using web browser on [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)  

![Thunderhub Login](  

After we login into Thunderhub, we need to fund our on-chain wallet before creating lightning channel. We can generate on-chain address in the "Home page" > Click on "Receive" with "Anchor icon" > Click on "Create Address"  

![Create on-chain address](  

After the fund in our on-chain wallet has been confirmed then we can start to open lightning channel. We can open channel by using the button in the "Home page" > Quick Action > Click on "Open" > Click on "Manual Open" and we can fill the node target and other fields.  

![Opening channel](  

Click on "New peer", paste or fill node target info (we can search it on [](, fill channel size amount, and make sure we choose "**Private**" as our channel type settings. We run our lightning node only for our **private** use and not dedicated as public routing node. You can check this article about [Private Lightning Node]( by [DarthCoin](nostr:#[15]) for extra explanation.  

![Opening channel settings](  

We need to fill all of the required fields before we can start open the channel. We need to wait at least 3 block confirmation channel before using it. The channel can be seen on [http://localhost:3000/channels](http://localhost:3000/channels).   

The first time we open new channel, we won't be able to receive any sats because our new channel has no receiving capacity. We need to spend the balances (Example: Spend 50% of the balance or more) first by sending lightning transaction to another lightning wallet or using swap services like [](   

After we spend some amounts, our channel state will become like this image below where **remote funds amount increasing while local funds amount decreasing**. It means that we are almost ready to receive lightning tip or zap.  

![Channel state](  

Another important thing to note while using Thunderhub is we can easily backup our Channel using Static Channel Backup. This backup will be useful to recover funds if there are any problem in the future. We can Backup our channel in Tools menu of Thunderhub [http://localhost:3000/tools](http://localhost:3000/tools).  

The next step is how to configure Zeus. Before opening Zeus App, we need to copy **admin.macaroon** value in HEX format. Back to Termux, we can switch the window tab to second tab, `Ctrl+b+1`, or any idle tab.  

Run this command and we will copy the result to Zeus later.   

Get Admin Macaroon in HEX format

xxd -ps -u -c 1000 $HOME/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon

We can select and copy the result by touching the screen and drag around the cursor on termux screen.  

![Copy admin.macaroon](  

### Zeus Setup  

Zeus setup is quite simple. We need to open Zeus and paste the HEX value of **admin.macaroon** to Zeus New Node Configuration  

![Zeus Node Configuration](  

Zeus will connect to our local node and show the balance properly. We can use Zeus as the main interface for our lightning wallet.  

![Zeus Main Page](  

### Cloudflared Setup  

We will open new 'tab' again on tmux by pressing the combination key `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **fourth 'tab'** shown by number `[3]` below  

![Tmux 4th tab](  

We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+3` or any number based on the tab number.  

**Cloudflared tunnel** will be used to get a **free domain (random domain)** so we can access our lightning address from the internet.  

We will download latest cloudflared tunnel arm64 version:

make sure we start from home directory

cd $HOME 

download latest cloudflared


set linux permission to make it executable

chmod +x $HOME/cloudflared-linux-arm64 

rename cloudflared program

mv $HOME/cloudflared-linux-arm64 $HOME/cloudflared

We will run cloudflared tunnel and get a domain for port 17422 (Satdress Port) using this command:

$HOME/cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:17422 --logfile $HOME/cloudflared.log

or if you want to run it behind the tor proxy:

torsocks $HOME/cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:17422 --logfile $HOME/cloudflared.log

![Running cloudflared](  

We can copy those domain (example: into satdress configuration later in the next step. The domain won't change into new domain as long as we don't stop the command or kill Termux app.   

If we want to stop the command then we can press combination key of `Ctrl+C`. But, this is not recommended. **The domain will not change as long as we don't stop current command or kill Termux app**.  

### Satdress Fork Setup  

We will open new 'tab' again on tmux by pressing the combination key `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **fifth 'tab'** shown by number `[4]` like the previous example. We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+4` or any number based on the tab number.  

We will clone satdress fork github repository and configure it using following commands:

make sure we start from home directory

cd $HOME 

clone satdress fork repository

git clone 

change active directory to $HOME/satdress

cd $HOME/satdress 

install dependencies

go install 

enable write access to makeinvoice.go file before editing

chmod +w $HOME/go/pkg/mod/

We need to edit makeinvoice.go file using **micro**, so it will support **private lightning channel** (enable route hint):

micro $HOME/go/pkg/mod/

Micro is text editor tool similar like nano but easier to use if we want to edit source code of program. We can scroll and touch the screen to navigate while using micro.  

The line that we need to edit is line 182  

![Edit makeinvoice.go before](  

We need to edit and add this line into line 182

body, _ = sjson.Set(body, "private", true)

After the editing it will become like this  

![Edit makeinvoice.go after](  

We can save the file using combination key of `Ctrl+s` and we can exit micro using `Ctrl+q`.  

Now, we will compile and build satdress binary using this command:

go build

After building satdress binary, we will create `.env` file using nano in `$HOME/satdress` directory:

nano -m $HOME/satdress/.env

Fill `.env` file with this configuration:

GLOBAL_USERS=true PORT=17422 SECRET=123456789 NIP05=true FORWARD_URL="" SITE_OWNER_URL= SITE_OWNER_NAME=lurkingcat SITE_NAME=lurkingcat NOSTR_PRIVATE_KEY=nsec1zapaccountnostrprivatekey 

Do not change any parameter after this line unless you understand, you can change the parameter above this line


You can check Satdress Fork github for parameter explanation. Make sure to **replace** or **adjust** the parameter based on your condition, especially **SECRET** which will be used to encrypt satdress database,  **NOSTR_PRIVATE_KEY** which will be used to report the zap event received by our LN node, and **DOMAIN** with the domain that we got from cloudflared tunnel setup before.  

To exit nano, press `Ctrl+x` and type `y` to save.  

It is recommended and will be more secure to make a dedicated account to handle zap event (For Example: I made [@Zap Report](nostr:#[16]) account dedicated only for sending zap event) rather than using my main Nostr account.  

Now, we can start satdress using this command:

Load .env variable and run satdress

source $HOME/satdress/.env && $HOME/satdress/satdress

We can access satdress homepage via web browser using domain from cloudflared (Example:  

You can fill all the fields like example image below.  

![Satdress example](  

We can get Invoice Macaroon HEX value by using this command in one of tmux tab:

Generate and get new invoice macaroon

lncli bakemacaroon invoices:read invoices:write

We can touch Termux screen and copy the invoice macaroon  

![Copy invoice.macaroon](  

The last thing is you can put your Nostr public key (npub) in the last field. After that we can press "**Submit**" and our final setup has been done.  

We can copy the lightning address that we have set before to our Nostr profile settings.  

![Amethyst Profile Settings Example](  
(_Amethyst Profile Settings Example_)  

We have done all the setup required so we can receive non custodial zap and setup a self-hosted NIP-05 directly in our mobile phone. The **next time** we want to **run** all those tools that we have already set then we can **skip this Installation section** and directly go to [Running Apps](#Running-Apps) section.  

## Running Apps  

If you have already **completed Installation steps** before and **still running or don't stop/kill** Termux, LND, Thunderhub, Cloudflared, and Satdress then you can **skip** this section into the next section.   

This section will be useful **in case** of we **restart** or **shutdown** our mobile phone or if we have accidentally **killed** Termux, LND, Thunderhub, Cloudflared, and Satdress. We only need to run them as we don't have to configure them a lot anymore.  

This section is only serving as reminder steps to run all the software that we have configured before in Installation steps.  

### Running Termux  

First, we need to open Termux app in our android mobile phone. It will open a new blank terminal session on the first time.  

![Blank Terminal](  

We will login into proot environment:

login as root to chroot environment and bind $HOME directory as /termux_home for easy access

proot-distro login ubuntu-nostr --user root --bind $HOME:/termux_home

We will use **tmux** in the next following steps. Tmux will be used because we can have **multiple terminal window** in one terminal session. It's like having multiple 'tabs' in web browser.   

To start tmux for the first time, we can type the command:  


To detach or 'minimize' current tmux session, we can press the combination of key:


If we want to open or resume those last detached tmux session again, we can type the command:

tmux a

If you need extra guidance about tmux then you can check this [Tmux Cheatsheet](  

### Running LND  

Back to main topic, in the current tmux session, we can start lnd using this command:


LND will start downloading Neutrino headers block data.  

![LND Download](  

While LND starting to download Neutrino data, we can open new 'tab' simultaneously on tmux by pressing the combination key of `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **second 'tab'** shown by number `[1]` below  

![Tmux 2nd tab](  

We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+0` or `Ctrl+b+1` or any number based on the tab number.  

In this second tab, we will unlock wallet for LND using command:

lncli unlock

and put our wallet password to fully unlocked it.  

Optionally, after unlocking the wallet we can also check LND status using command:

lncli getinfo

It will give basic json information like this:

{ "version": "0.15.5-beta.rc1 commit=v0.15.5-beta.rc1", "commit_hash": "", "identity_pubkey": "your pubkey", "alias": "nodealias", "color": "", "num_pending_channels": 0, "num_active_channels": 0, "num_inactive_channels": 0, "num_peers": 3, "block_height": 781371, "block_hash": "00000000000000000002d8610c6ec71be4e42386193327b7ce1adfb47f6d12f0", "best_header_timestamp": "1679151331", "synced_to_chain": true, "synced_to_graph": true, ... } 

When `synced_to_chain=true` and `synced_to_graph=true`, it means that our node has already synced to "latest block using neutrino data" and synced to "latest LN gossip info" thus it can be used properly.  

### Running Thunderhub  

We will open new 'tab' again on tmux by pressing the combination key `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **third 'tab'** shown by number `[2]` below  

![Tmux 3rd tab](  

We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+2` or any number based on the tab number.  

We can run Thunderhub using the command:

change active directory to $HOME/thunderhub

cd $HOME/thunderhub 

start thunderhub using npm

npm start

![npm start](  

If there are no error like shown in the image above, then we can access thunderhub using web browser on [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)  

![Thunderhub Login](  

### Running Cloudflared  

We will open new 'tab' again on tmux by pressing the combination key `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **fourth 'tab'** shown by number `[3]` below  

![Tmux 4th tab](  

We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+3` or any number based on the tab number.  

**Cloudflared tunnel** will be used to get a **free domain (random domain)** so we can access our lightning address from the internet.  

We will run cloudflared tunnel and get a domain for port 17422 (Satdress Port) using this command:

$HOME/cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:17422 --logfile $HOME/cloudflared.log

or if you want to run it behind the tor proxy:

torsocks $HOME/cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:17422 --logfile $HOME/cloudflared.log

![Running cloudflared](  

We can copy those domain (example: into satdress configuration later in the next step. The domain won't change into new domain as long as we don't stop the command or kill Termux app.   

If we want to stop the command then we can press combination key of `Ctrl+C`. But, this is not recommended. **The domain will not change as long as we don't stop current command or kill Termux app**.  

### Running Satdress Fork  

We will open new 'tab' again on tmux by pressing the combination key `Ctrl+b+c`. It will open new **fifth 'tab'** shown by number `[4]` like the previous example. We can switch tab easily using combination key `Ctrl+b+4` or any number based on the tab number.  

We will edit `.env` file using nano in `$HOME/satdress` directory:

nano -m $HOME/satdress/.env

Make sure to **replace** or **adjust** the parameter based on your condition, especially **DOMAIN** with the new domain that we got from running cloudflared tunnel  before.   


From old domain


into new domain


To exit nano, press `Ctrl+x` and type `y` to save.  

Now, we can start satdress using this command:

Load .env variable and run satdress

source $HOME/satdress/.env && $HOME/satdress/satdress

Now, we need to change the lightning address in our Nostr profile settings especially if our cloudflared domain has been changed.   

![Amethyst Profile Settings Example](    
(_Amethyst Profile Settings Example_)  

We have done all the setup required and run all the software required to receive non-custodial zap. This section is simpler than installation steps since we only need to adjust new domain for our lightning address.  

## Zap Experiment Result  

I have done the experiment (in my Main Account and Zap Report account) for receiving non-custodial zap since 16 March 2023 and it has been quite a success and have no problem so far. Running LND and several software for 24/7.  

![Zap Experiment](   
Source: [Zap Experiment Notes by lurkingcat](nostr:#[22])  

![Zap Report](  
Source: [@Zap Report](nostr:#[17])  

There might be some questions related to this experiment:
> What about your **battery usage** if you run it 24/7?  

Based on my observation, Termux consume around 20% of battery power while running LND fully 24/7. We can calculate how many hours our battery will last based on the average normal standby time times by 20%. The energy consumed is still in acceptable rate considering that how long the phone will last in normal idle state.  

![Battery usage](  

> What about your **data usage** if you run it 24/7?  

![Data usage](  

Based on my observation, Termux consume around 210 MB a day with 8-9 MB average data every hour. The data usage mostly comes from LND which regularly sync Gossip Network data and Neutrino block data. This is the fair minimum of data usage by LND.  

Based on this experiment, i can say that running our own LN node and configure it for receiving non-custodial zap is **feasible** even with **limited devices** such as our mobile phone since we only run it as a **private lightning node** instead of a public routing node. We don't have many burden complexity to manage and rebalance the channel like what public routing node operator have done. The problems will arise if we announce our channel as public channel instead of **private channel** like we have done in this tutorial.  

## Afterwords  

Congratulation, you have finished this tutorial. Now, you have become a sovereign individual who manage their own bank.  

![With great power, comes great responsibility
Source: [TheQuotes](  

All credits to **FOSS devs** who have contributed on development of **Termux**, **LND**, **Zeus**, **Thunderhub**, **Satdress Fork**, and **Cloudflared**. Please support them in any ways.  

Let me know via [Nostr](nostr:#[18]) if you encounter any problems. Any feedback will be appreciated to improve this tutorial. Thank you.  

If you found this tutorial were useful, feel free to send some sats ⚡ to []( or  [](, it will be greatly appreciated.  

This tutorial has been written using [Markor - Markdown Editor](